Main Building and Tower Restoration Updates

What's Happening Next

December 2024
Planning, Design and Construction will begin cordoning off the north parking lot. On December 10, the ATM structure at the west entry of the Main Building will be demolished. Work is expected to be completed around early January.

January 2025
The ground floor exterior doors on the north side of the building no longer permit entrance for the duration of the restoration project. Additionally, from January 8 through January 24, the building exit door to the northeast courtyard will not permit exiting, due to scaffold erection activity. All other ground floor exterior doors (even the northwest exit) will still enable exiting, and temporary signage will direct occupants away from the blocked exit door.

Construction Advisory

Pedestrian Impacts: Exiting from the building will remain unaffected, but entering the building from the north side will be unavailable for the project's duration. Handicap-accessible entrances and exits will remain available at the east and west entries. The south entrance will also remain open. There will be construction fencing and protective covers for pedestrian paths, where necessary to protect the safety of the public. Signage will be installed for wayfinding.

Bicycle Impacts:  Bicycle movement will not be impacted. Bicyclists are encouraged to refer to the City of Austin Bike Map.

Parking ImpactsThe north parking lot will be closed beginning December 2024 through the duration of the project. Two additional O spaces at the northwest corner of the Main building will be used for a building trash enclosure. Existing north parking lot spaces will be relocated within the vicinity of the building. For parking alternatives, visit the Campus Parking Map.


Frequently Asked Questions

What will the project entail?

The initial work will be a comprehensive restoration of the Tower’s exterior, including the stone, windows, lighting, clockface and historical gilding on the facade of the building. Matching the building’s original appearance, the University will repaint metal and wooden surfaces in their original colors, reapply gilding to the Tower clock and cast-iron spandrels, and reconstruct the east and west entrances. The work also includes updating the exterior lighting to an LED-based system, replacing select roofs, and refurbishing windows to improve their appearance, operability and energy efficiency. 

Scaffolding and restoration work will be done in sequence on every facade of the Main Building and Tower, starting with the northern perimeter of the Main Building. The work will take place concurrently on multiple sides until the entire building is restored.

Will scaffolding be up during the entire restoration? How can people take photos in front of the Tower during restoration? 

To reach project milestones, the Main Building will sequentially have scaffolding on various facades for the duration of the project.

The project timeline calls for the scaffolding to begin rising on the north facade of the Main Building in January. However, the construction will not advance to cover the Tower and south facade of the Main Building until after the University’s 2025 commencement celebration. The schedule may evolve throughout the course of the project due to weather or unforeseen conditions. 

Students who are expecting to graduate during 2026 and 2027 should make plans to capture those special Tower photos throughout the year, prior to the scaffolding and scrim covering the building. 

What is the difference between the Tower and Main?

For the purposes of this project, the Main Building includes levels 9 and below (the areas in yellow in the diagram). The Tower comprises levels 10 and above (depicted in orange in the diagram).

Will the Tower be able to be lit during restoration? 

Traditional lighting will be affected. However, the restoration project team will provide lighting throughout construction, ensuring the celebration of athletic and academic achievements, calendar milestones and other events.

How will my workspace be protected during construction activity?

The abatement and construction containment will protect office spaces from being affected by dust from construction activity.  When windows are temporarily removed for off-site refurbishment, the window openings will be temporarily sealed and boarded up.

When will my office be impacted?

When more information is provided for the project schedule, it will be announced here. 

How will parking be affected?

The north parking lot will be fenced off on December 19. In the process, six O Permit parking spaces near the Main Building will be closed, including four along the north side, next to the courtyard, and two on the east side of the entrance to the parking lot between Peter T. Flawn Academic Center and the Main Building. To accommodate these changes, O Permit spaces will be added to the north curb of Inner Campus Drive by the Turtle Pond. Please see this diagram that outlines changes throughout construction. O permit holders will be communicated about changes well in advance.