Title Blocks and Maps
All standard drawing templates and documents presented herein are intended to assist architects, engineers, other design professionals, contractors and UT staff in understanding the preferences of The University of Texas at Austin in the development, maintenance, construction and repair of its facilities. These drawing templates and documents are intended to be used by the primary PSP and their subconsultants to consistently present information on all UT Austin projects. The legal responsibility for project document preparation shall continue to be the design professional's responsibility. Refer to the Welcome Page for additional requirements.
Please Note: These drawing templates and documents are for use by The University of Texas at Austin, its consultants and contractors and remain the property of The University of Texas at Austin at all times. The drawing templates and documents were created in AutoCAD file format; AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
Title Blocks (Current)
Please Note: These will not open in a browser; you will need to save them to your desktop.
2021 Revit and CAD Templates (Beta)
Please Note: UT Austin is transitioning to an updated title block and coversheet template for all projects. Prior to retiring the current templates (above), UT Austin will be rolling out Beta versions of these files for use by the PSP. The templates are provided with a base building as an example. Please revise the templates with the appropriate project information. See the Cover Sheet Template Instruction PDF for additional information. For any feedback on the Revit or CAD templates in testing, please contact Jeff Kick (jeffrey.kick@austin.utexas.edu).