Project Process

Project Delivery Process   

Below is an overview of the project delivery process for requesting services. This description does not explain all of the scenarios that may be necessary to make a particular project a success. Below is a description of all of the phases of the project delivery process. 

Initiating Work:

All requests for work, from painting a wall to renovating a building must be requested using UT Works Request.

Upon receipt of your request and depending upon the scope of the work or project requested, your request will be routed accordingly. If your request is small in nature and can be executed solely by one of our eight technical trade shops, you will be contacted by that shop to schedule the work.

Should your request require project management, your project will be routed to either a Project Manager (PM) or Construction Planner (CP), who will contact you to arrange an initial consultation and assess your project's requirements. Both the PM and CP will develop a scope of work, a project schedule, and a project estimate for your authorization and funding.

Guide to the primary phases of your renovation project:

Estimate: A rough estimate is provided to you to give you an idea of how much your project will cost and how long the work will take. Please be advised that this will be a preliminary budget estimate only and is subject to further refinement once the project is funded and the scope is more thoroughly defined. 

Funding: If you choose to move forward with your project, a funding source will need to be authorized by you or your department.

Design: Depending on the complexity of the project, this phase may last a few weeks or a couple of months. You will be asked to approve the design. 

Bid: If the project will be executed by an outside contractor, the project's documents will be issued for review and bidding by construction firms.

Construction: In advance of construction you may need to relocate occupants, store furniture, and generally prepare the space for contractors, vendors and in-house crews to perform the renovation work.

Substantial Completion: Your project is called "substantially complete" when the work has been completed enough for you to use the space for its main purpose. During this period the project manager and the architect will inspect the work and identify items which may still need retouching or installation. These items, along with any damaged or missing pieces, go onto a punch list that must be finished in order to complete the project and make final payment to the contractor.

Closeout: This phase includes receiving all required closeout documents/warranties from the contractor, the final payment to the contractor and the reconciliation of the project accounts and their funding sources.


If you have any questions about submitting a service request, status of a project, or service cost, contact:

Planning & Construction
1301 E. Dean Keeton St.
Austin, TX 78712
Campus Mail Code: H7015

Phone: (512) 471-7776