CP969069: Gary L. Thomas Energy (GLT) Building Utility Repairs

Map Legend

Map Legend

map legend red represents a construction zone

Construction Zone

map legend yellow represents traffic impact

Traffic Impacted Zone

map legend blue represents pedestrian route access

Pedestrian Access

map legend blue dashed represents pedestrian barrier free

Pedestrian Access 
(Barried Free)

Project Dates

Project Dates
April 29, 2024 - August 16, 2024
Project Description

Project Impacts

Beginning Monday, April 29, 2024 through Sunday, June 30, 2024, utility system repairs will occur at the north corner of the patio area on the west side of the Gary L. Thomas Energy (GLT) Building.

During this period, some parts of the patio on the west side of the GLT Building will not be accessible to pedestrians. There will be no impacts to travel and parking, however vehicles and pedestrians should be aware of their surroundings while work occurs in the area. 

Project Impacts

Pedestrian Impacts: Parts of the patio area on the west side of the Gary L. Thomas Energy building will not be accessible to pedestrians. 

Bicycle Impacts:  Bicyclists are encouraged to refer to the City of Austin Bike Map.

Parking Impacts: No parking impacts are expected. Please visit the Campus Parking Map as a precaution.

Signage will be installed at key locations to assist with wayfinding. Due to the fluid nature of construction, this information is subject to change, but we will do our best to provide timely communication if changes are necessary.


For any questions about this project, please contact Planning, Design and Construction at construction@utexas.edu.