25CMR001-D21-ISO & Regional Security Operations Center

Project Body

Project Summary 

The abbreviated Summary of Work is as follows:

  • Dobie Twenty21 (D21) - Information Security Office will relocate to Dobie 21 Suite 142 from their current temporary swing space, also in Dobie 21. Program includes a Regional Security Operations Center, 60-seat classroom, office space, conference and meeting rooms, forensics space, break room, single occupant restrooms, and storage. Project will require specialized systems including but not limited to AV, security, and technology.
  • The general Construction Budget range for the project is approximately $3,000,000.00 to $4,000,000.00.
  • Please use this link to receive electronic copies of the Solicitation via UT box. https://utexas.box.com/s/b0hyyu8mnfl0g37ukq0rn258vg2w5j7i 

Project Details:

  • RFP Number: 25CMR001
  • CP Number: CP1013353
  • Project Manager: Karen Lacey
  • Professional Service Provider: Haddon+Cowan  Contact: Michael Cowan
  • Contract Specialist: Lana Beranek

Key Dates: 

  • Notice to Proposers: September 10, 2024
  • Pre-Submittal Conference Date: September 16, 2024   Time: 10:00 A.M.
  • Pre-Submittal Conference Site: Zoom Meeting 

     Join Zoom Meeting: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/99453567493

     Meeting ID: 994 5356 7493 

     One tap mobile
     +13462487799,,99453567493# US (Houston)
     +16694449171,,99453567493# US

A link to the sign-in sheet for attendance will be provided in the Zoom meeting chat on the day of the pre-proposal conference on 9/16/2024.  Please use this link to sign in for the meeting: https://utexas-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/lana_austin_utexas_edu/EZysa5Z0XodEuG8g1dNsVd8BS-CxXUWWxMH-WR7UqBnG3Q?e=IHN72Z 

  • Initial Site Visit: Date: September 16, 2024 Time: 1:00 P.M.
  • Deadline for questions/requests for clarification​ Date: September 26, 2024  Time: NOON 

All questions and inquiries regarding this RFP must be submitted via UT Drop Box using the following link:  https://utexas.app.box.com/f/a7e48590e7f14627a0650a9f3657a519 

A Sign-in sheet for attendance will be provided in the Zoom meeting chat the day of the Bid Opening on 10/17/2024.

     Join Zoom Meeting to Bid Opening 
     Meeting ID: 974 8046 4634
     One tap mobile
    +13462487799,,97480464634# US (Houston)

  • No. of Addenda: 1

Do Not Mail Envelopes.  All submissions must be made via the links provided for the UT DropBox.